California Public Records Search

CA public records, according to the California Public Records Act or CPRA, can be accessed by any entity whether the one requesting the records is the public such as an individual person or private such as an organization or company. The aim of the CPRA is to ensure that government transactions are made public to ensure that every government official or agency is held accountable for their actions. All records are available for inspection by the public and can be accessed during the government agency’s business hours.

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Arizona Free Background Check

Arizona is one of the fastest growing states in the United States of America. Unfortunately it has also become a hot spot for crime and disorder! The crime index rating is 7 and with almost 250,000 crimes being reported each year for the past few years. You must keep a vigilant eye on those around you. Fortunately, here is where the Arizona Background Check helps a law abiding citizen like you, safe and informed. That is, if you so choose to exercise your right to be informed.

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