Why Is GPS Fleet Tracking So Controversial?

Spying isn’t a new concept. Countries are monitoring what other countries are doing and monitoring what we are doing. We are being watched on cameras and our emails and phone records are being recorded. Its not new and most people are aware that this type of thing has been happening for a long time now. If we all know this and understand our privacy is withering away, then why are employees so upset when they hear their company is going to start tracking their whereabouts with GPS fleet tracking. We are always surprised at the reaction of employees when the topic of GPS tracking is discussed.

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Gold Coins are a Sound Investment

Gold coins are possibly one of the finest investments that are currently out on the market right now. In the economy’s current state of affairs, it is extremely tough to decide where to put your money. Investments like stocks, bonds, futures, and their like have been on a wild roller-coaster ride ever since the mid-2000s. Many people have turned to gold as a safe alternative to the changeable stock market.

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Fishing GPS – Things To Look For

Drivers around the world have benefited from using GPS units for a long time. Now it is time for us anglers to benefit from these amazing devices. The truth is, many fishermen have been using them for a while now. They seem to be complicated, and if you have not used one before, I can understand when someone is nervous about buying one. What do you need to consider before you take that plunge?

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