Nursing Schools In Washington State: Added To Nursing Colleges To Meet Demand

In 2007 there were twenty-two schools in Washington state that are considered “dropout factories.” A school is considered a dropout factory when more than 40 percent of entering freshmen dropout before their senior year. What makes kids drop out? Most “Dropout Factories” in the U.S. are in high poverty areas and have a high number of minorities. In schools such as Arlington who have a 30 percent dropout rate don’t have either of these common factors for kids dropping out. Arlington is located in a nice suburban area with a eighty-seven percent of its students Caucasian.

They began implementing programs in 2007 to help reduce the dropout rate of students in the nursing schools in Washington State. One was the Freshman Academy which helps kids who didn’t do too well in middle school get specialized counseling and extra help with homework and classwork. This programed is designed to get kids to do well in school to give them confidence that they can do good in school and they can graduate. Another program that was implemented was the Link Crew. The Link Crew is a buddy program ran by students to help kids make friends. Kids dropout less when they have friends tying them to the school.

Brandman University, a non-profit adult education institution based in Irvine, Calif., in March established a School of Nursing and Health Professions, at which time it announced that it was offering a bachelors degree in nursing, as well as masters degrees in health administration and health risk and crisis communication. A doctoral degree in nursing, approved later in the year by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, is the first doctoral degree to be offered at Brandman University in any subject area. Classes for registered nurses with masters degrees began in August 2010; classes for registered nurses with bachelors degrees begin in January 2011. The Brandman University School of Nursing and Health Professions also offers masters degrees in health administration and health risk and crisis communication. Registered nurses have the opportunity to participate in a bachelors degree in nursing. Brandman University offer course nursing schools in Washington State.

If kids start doing good in school and are proud of coming home and showing their parents their report cards, this will lead to less dropout rates. If they have friends at school and are socially involved and are not missing school students will be motivated to stay in school. These programs have shown they work because just recently nine of the twenty-two schools have dropped off the “dropout factory” list.

University of Illinois- Chicago- It offers programs for those who are wishing to start their nursing careers or those who want to further their education. University of Maryland- Baltimore- It comes with a number of courses as well as very experienced and qualified teachers and state-of-art facilities. University of Pittsburgh- Students will be prepared for the increasingly demanding practice through rigorous programs that vary in the intensity of experience and practice.

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