Solar Vs. Wind Power

It was turning out to be the perfect holiday season for the Eaves family last winter when the newlyweds gathered with three generations of family. The food, tree, and presents were all prepared, and no one expected anything but a merry Christmas.

Before one is likely to install solar panels, however, they will first need to be educated on all of the various benefits of having solar panels integrated into the home. And one of the first and greatest benefits that can attract any homeowner to converting to solar power is the lowered costs of solar energy and the ability that solar energy has to lower or even eradicate the home’s monthly utility bills.

First, one should consider the pros and cons of solar power. One of the overarching pros to solar power is that harnessing energy from the sun is both clean and effective through the proper installment of solar panels on solar tile mounts.

In addition to the foremost benefit of solar panels, that of free energy to the home and lowered or eradicated utility bills, another perk of creating one’s own energy from their solar panels is the ability to sell off excess energy to the power company.

The cons to solar power that are often cited include the high instillation costs of solar panels and the variance in power output as it is dependent on sun light. The lower the exposure to direct sunlight, the less energy the solar panels are able to produce, which in turn makes for a con to solar panel in the minds of many individuals and homeowners.

Ventilating your roof prevents condensation, ice damming, and increases energy efficiency. It allows heat to escape through the vent which melts the snow quickly and steadily. This may seem only beneficial in the winter, but also has benefits in the summer. If this system is installed in your home, it will ventilate the roof to remove up to 50 percent of the heat within the upper levels of your home.

One of the main reasons that homeowners continue to refuse solar power for their home is due to the unsightly appearance of large reflective panels on the roof of the home. But solar panels are installed on a home using solar mounting systems that can come in a variety of noninvasive options, and the panels themselves are becoming more and more discrete in their appearance which means that they are no longer the eye-sore they used to be.

It is advised that if you plan on installing any of these systems, to do it well ahead of time before it snows and to hire the proper professionals with the right equipment and experience to do the job for you. You will not regret paying a small amount for you and your home’s safety for this winter and the many winters to come.

TRA Snow & Sun is the right company to improve your home by increasing your energy efficiency with solar mounting systems and ensure your roof is ready for the winter with snow fences, snow guards, and more.