The custom essay writing service in the world of today

Custom essays writing services in the internet age link very old academic practices with those practiced currently. The written composition has long been used for centuries for two purposes. It is a means of learning and a means of assessment.

Since the 1980s the world has changed radically in many ways but education remains to a large extent stuck in the past. Methods that were used in the nineteenth century are still in use although the world is now a substantially different place. For one thing there are millions more higher education students now than there were in the nineteenth century.

At the universities of Oxford and Cambridge tutors were assigned a few students to interact with. They grew to know these students intimately by reading the essays that the students wrote. This model of education was based on the work of Socrates who walked about talking to his students, and Jesus who chose twelve disciples to listen carefully before writing the New Testament. In such an ideal education questions such as ‘write my essay for me’ would have seemed laughable.

The old model of a teacher with a manageable group still underlies educational philosophy but a problem is that now group sizes exceed the capacity of any one person to have a personal relationship with all the students for which he is nominally responsible. At best, he can know only some of them.

This is evident in some problems that face the essay as an assessment tool. An experienced teacher can make an accurate assessment as to the worth of a composition without knowing anything about the writer. However he has little way of knowing whether a piece of writing is the work of a particular student if he does not know the student and his capabilities.

A custom essay writing service must face the ethical question of whether or not it is colluding with dishonest students to obtain false grades. It may be argued that it is the responsibility of educationists to guard against dishonesty. Others would argue that it is the responsibility of students to be honest and to use samples that they purchase only as examples of how to write well. Ultimately the issue is yet another instance of how the world is being reshaped technologically, morally and ethically.

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