USB Wireless Charger: What Is Wireless Charging?

The USB wireless charger is now enjoying well-deserved mainstream popularity, thanks primarily to its convenience. Wireless chargers only begun as a novelty innovation, but now they have carved a niche in the market. They are even being used for other applications aside from those that involve mobile phones and similar devices.

It has achieved mainstream popularity and success, and the numerous users, coupled with the continued demand for products, reveal the strength of the wireless charger industry. If you still do not understand what the rage is all about, here are several of the advantages to using a USB wireless charger (to help give you an idea):

The biggest selling point of a wireless charger, and also its first advantage, is convenience. It is easy to carry and store, and it is ideal for use during travels. It is also extremely easy to use. You do not have to fumble for charger sockets and wires anymore. You simply have the plug the charger itself and then place your device on top of it. Induction-a basic principle in energy-will do the rest.

Third, another disadvantage to using a wireless USB charger is the added complexity of the system. Obviously, a wireless charger\’s system will be more complicated than that of a traditional wired charger. While this could be seen as a good technological leap, there is a tradeoff in the sense that some maintenance issues could also come up.

Wireless chargers operate by using a magnetic or inductive field in between two coils, through which the electricity is transferred. Once transmitted through the coils, the energy winds up in the receiver and this will start charging your device\’s battery.

This will no longer be a concern with a USB wireless charger. Some wireless chargers have their own physical wires, but the best ones, like the Vority Ki+4, have built-in AC adapters.

Unlike the Qi, A4WP allows you to charge multiple devices all at the same time, which is a big improvement over the former. Do take note however, that A4WP is still experimental, meaning you won\’t be able to buy a charger that uses it.

Comparatively, and in keeping with the same principle, wireless chargers are safer for use in contaminated areas. As a consequence, it is ideal for use in medical settings and for medical equipment that require wireless charging.

Fourth, another advantage of the USB wireless charger is that the technology it uses is constantly being developed. It is worth noting again that wireless chargers have their origins as novelty devices. They were developed for a specific niche.

Remember that any piece of technology have its disadvantages. No piece of tech is perfect. The key here is to be aware of these disadvantages and spend enough time to search for specific models that can offset these. This will make sure you make the most out of your wireless USB charger.

Johny Jacson is an expert charger. To find out everything concerning the Vority Combined Qi-Standard Wireless, visit his web site at Vority Combined Qi-Standard Wireless.