What Makes The Best Mosquito Trap Effective

There are very few countries in the world where there are no mosquitoes. Almost anywhere that there is warm weather, water and humans will have a population of these blood sucking creatures. In the worst cases they carry malaria and many other diseases which can be deadly. This is why people search for the best mosquito trap to protect themselves and their families.

Mosquitoes have developed sophisticated methods of seeking their prey. They use a combination of senses to locate warm blooded creatures on which they can feed. Once they have found their target they bite into the skin and suck out the blood they need.

Blood is needed to produce fertile eggs, it is for this reason that only the females bite. During the biting process they produce saliva which is injected into the wound to keep the flow of blood constant. This saliva causes the rash and irritating itch. Some people seem to get bitten a lot more than others and suffer more. This is because there are natural chemicals in sweat which can attract or repel the bugs. Lucky people have the repellent and rarely get pestered or bitten.

The females are attracted by the scent of the carbon dioxide humans breathe out as well as being able to sense body heat. They can also see things moving so know they have a living being to prey on. The way many traps work is by mimicking the signals that the bugs receive from humans and fooling them to fly towards them instead.

There are very simple traps which can be made from household products to drawn in the insects and capture them. These are frequently made from old plastic bottles which are then partly filled with yeast, sugar and water to produce Co2. When the bottle is placed in an area where mosquitoes are abundant then they fly inside the bottle and drown in the fluid, hopefully before they can bite anyone nearby.

To remain useful, the home made devices require the mixture inside to be constantly renewed otherwise they become ineffective. There are electronic devices which also use the same tricks to fool the insects and these are widely available. They provide an effective solution over a much longer period of time and are frequently better at catching the little beasts than any home made device.

There are several companies which produce a range of contraptions to place in your home or garden to kill mosquitoes. These can easily be found on the internet, in hardware or large department stores. They vary widely in price depending on their level of sophistication and size. The performance of the trap often depends on its location as even the best models will not work effectively if they are not in the flight path of the bugs.

Preventing breeding by removing any standing water from your home can help significantly reduce the numbers of insects you have to deal with. There are also sprays, repellents and plug in machines which can clear a room and provide some protection from bites. All these precautions combined with the best mosquito trap strategically placed in your home will help protect you and your family from these annoying and potentially deadly little insects.

You can visit the website www.bugring.net for more helpful information about What Is The Way The Best Mosquito Trap Works