Working With A Recruiter

Working With A Recruitment Agency

The job market at the moment is proving to be rather challenging wherever you are located. One of the biggest dilemmas facing recruiters is relevancy.

As more and more people start looking for work the use of recruiters has become scrutinized like never before. Often companies ask ‘why use a recruiter when we can post a job online ourselves?’ There are seven reasons I can think of off the top of my head:

1. In order to find the right candidates. Just because the economy is fragile does not mean that there will be a steady stream of relevant candidates available. High quality recruiter’s use many different techniques when looking to select a candidate, often clients only use online ads to find their candidates.

2. It can be quicker to recruit through an agency rather than having to take time out of your normal working day to interview or read CV’s.

3. Recruiters will be able to recognise people who are lying about their qualifications quicker than most people as they carry out extensive research into the work history of the candidate.

4. Recruiters will have a set method of how to competence check people and they will be able to look out for weak areas .

5. Recruiters are often better at recruiting temps and contract workers as often they have a database of available people they have used previously.

6. More often than not a recruiter will act as a go between which means they are faced with any awkward conversations such as rejections. This means that you do not have to.

7. The biggest benefit of using a recruiter is that they are guaranteed to have market experience and know what to look for in a candidate.

If you wish to fill a vacancy then using a recruiter is a good idea as it allows you to remain concentrating on your own job rather than spending lots of time on recruiting.

Sector specialisms that Axis Sales cover include sales, it sales, telesales and many more. If you need help recruiting or finding work contact us today.