Payroll is the biggest expense for a business

Money makes the world go round, and although many people say that it isn’t an important part of life, the reality is that the money that you have allows you to do what you like and purchase items that make you happy. It allows you to go on holidays, buy expensive cars and jewellery and eat out at lovely restaurants – the amount of money that you have in many ways can dictate what you can and can’t do with your life.

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Employees and contractors: completely different

The government reports that there than 28,500,000 small companies in the USA. That’s merely the ones the US government reports: for every one that’s on the official books there are several others not listed. Folks are sewing, producing kids’ crafts, mowing lawns, painting houses, and all types of other pursuits without them showing up on a analysis owned by anybody. Because of the economic conditions being so troublesome for people, now more than ever they are doing whatever it takes to make a little bit of a living wage. While times are tough, if you’re an employer you should be really cautious that you are aware of the consequences of whether the folks who work for you are actually employees or contractors.

View More Employees and contractors: completely different