Are You a Massage Therapist Moving to Florida?

Massage therapists looking to relocate to Florida need to complete a process known as “becoming licensed by endorsement”. For you to complete this, you must visit the Florida Board’s website. Print the appropriate forms, and refer to the instructions provided.

As you finish the forms, you can mail it back to the Florida Massage Board along with the required fee. The Board will create a file as they await information regarding your training and massage license to get mailed in to their location. You will get 12 months to achieve the subsequent actions.

Secondly, you’ll have three required massage ceu courses to finish. The courses are ten hours of Florida Massage Laws and Rules, three hours of HIV/AIDS education, and 2 hours of prevention of medical errors. These CE courses can be purchased as package by ce providers online. Soon after completion of the courses you’ll be given a transcript to submit to the Board.

Third, contact the state board of massage where you’re currently licensed, and request them to send a copy of your license straight to the Florida Board of Massage. The application provides added specific conditions for this step. Your current state board of massage might call for a nominal fee to provide this service.

Then, speak to the provider of the licensing exam you took to acquire your state massage license. This may be the NCBTMB if you took the NCETM, NCETMB, or the NESL Exam. If you took the modern MBLEx exam, call the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSTMB). You need to request they forward your score directly to the Florida Board. You may need to pay a fee with this service too.

Last, contact the place where you achieved your Five hundred hours of massage therapy training. The school will need to forward a transcript to the Massage Board. Once you finish the needed steps, the BOM will automatically mail your license to practice therapeutic massage.

This process could take under 30 days, but very likely will take more time. It’s best to begin this process ahead of transferring to Florida so that you may begin working immediately following your move. Florida levies steep fines and penalties to anyone found practicing without a massage license. Additionally, most massage therapists will also need to apply for an establishment license. This requires an additional fee and an inspection of the premises before practicing massage.

Transferring a massage license to Florida can be a daunting process. The information in these links can help eliminate the stress that comes with a Florida massage license transfer.