British Accent Training Provides You With Many Advantages

Each country has its own unique way of speaking. Some are more distinctive than others and in the same breath, some accents are more difficult to imitate than others. British accent training can be achieved by the proper study of the speech and all that it encompasses.

Learning accents well takes lots of practice, just as anything else in life does. The more you work on it, the better and more natural it will become. The rounding of the mouth is an important step to achieving good results. The sounds will be different as opposed to clenching the lips together. The deliberate over pronunciation of each word at first will seem strange, but will increase the muscle memory and will become automatic.

The easiest way to acquire a genuine sounding speech is to consistently practice the speech. Speak to friends, to yourself, or even just by reading aloud. The constant exposure to the accents you would like to learn is a vital step towards success. Watch television, or movies and practice sentences until they seem perfect.

If you have British friends who have the accents you are trying to learn, engage in conversation with them, and enlist their help in getting the sound just right. Small tweaks or gestures can be instructed in order to be convincing. Other people have a different ear, and will be able to criticize constructively.

Another way to be open to the correct sound of the region is to immerse you into the local culture completely. Live amongst the locals, partake in conversation and brush up on the local slang twists. It isn’t always possible to move to London though, so listening aurally to the news will also help sufficiently, or even engaging in conversation with British acquaintances will add to the exposure required.

Remember though not to over emphasize or deliberately exaggerate the accent as this will also appear inconsistent. The right balance has to be achieved for success. This is attained through constant exposure and consistent practice. The process can seem harsh and unending, but the results will be well worth the effort eventually.

Always use British English words when you are busy expressing yourself to other people; these are differences to the Us English language. For instance the word “trash” is spoken as “rubbish”. Their pronunciation is also distinctive as is their spelling of certain words. The spelling is important, because this dictates the shape the mouth makes when speaking it. This changes the eventual sound of the word being spoken.

Your training will be an ongoing process in order to convincingly achieve the accent which the locals have been exposed to for a lifetime. It isn’t however an impossible task, and can be achieved with determination and hard work. You will know when you are successful when others comment on how your native accent seems lost and how the new one is dominant.

Read more about British Accent Training Provides You With Many Advantages.