Darth Vader: A Bad Choice for a Collection Agency?

When you think of a collection agency, the image of an office probably comes to mind, right? You think about a group of people as opposed to a single entity and I feel as though such a mindset is valid. However, there are times when strength in numbers can be detrimental outside of the realm of reality. For one being who’s seemed to have been able to use said strength to his advantage at the expense of innocent people, no one seems to have that mindset down to a tee more than Darth Vader.

Darth Vader’s rule over the Imperial forces has proven to be quite strong and his ability to get points across with sheer power is second to none. His heart is cold and the fact that he thinks nothing of bringing down entire planets – Alderaan, for one – shows how strong he is. Vader’s focus is one that is unshakable, using both strength and intelligence. I feel like both of these skills could come in handy when going into debts but I strongly believe the rules in the business would be broken.

The litany of tools that Vader possesses within the empire cannot go unaccounted for. Not including the noteworthy Lightsaber, his Imperial soldiers brandish their own sets of firearms and they are all set on defeating their own targets. If there was a war to be won, I have to believe that these people would be essential. They may be handy in the heat of war but could they possibly do any good in a business where people have to act professional fashions?

A collection agency has to follow a certain set of guidelines and amongst them is a professional attitude. Consider this: does Vader seem like the kind of person who will act in a professional manner towards anyone, whether they are ally or foe? I think that if a person had to choose between Darth’s company and a reputable organization like Rapid Recovery, the choice would be rather clear. People want to be sure that the best work is done and Vader simply wouldn’t be able to do so.

Vader, at least to come degree, is able to keep his level of erratic behavior to a minimum. As a result, he’d be able to perform well. Let’s imagine that he was Anakin Skywalker for a moment; as terrifying as that character’s story became, he would at least be a better choice because I feel like Vader, in the state we see him in, is not going to work well. You’d have better luck throwing your job into the arms of a barely functioning R2D2 than the caped deviant.

Contact Rapid Recovery Solution, Inc. if you’re searching for additional information about what you just read from a full service collection agency.. Also published at Darth Vader: A Bad Choice for a Collection Agency?.