Dealing With Laptop Screen Freezes

People who own laptop computers can experience problems from time to time. When a laptop screen freezes it can be an indication of a bigger problem. Sometimes a browser will freeze when the user is surfing the Internet. This can be a problem with the browser itself or with the site being visited. When this happens, even trying to minimize the screen will not work. The top heading section of the page will state the browser is not responding. The only way to fix this is to use the task manager in the operating system to close the program.

Another issue with your browser freezing could be signs of a virus on that particular website. If this happens to you, try running a system check with your anti-virus program after closing your browser. Unfortunately, if a virus has invaded your hard drive, expect your computer to not respond to anything you try, the virus will be in charge of the computer operating system, not you. Laptop screen freezes will then occur even when you are not connected to the internet.

In other instances a laptop screen freezes when there is insufficient memory for the loading program or the machine does not contain all of the necessary compatible components for running the program. To display images adequate memory must be present, so programs that have intense graphics will usually require increase memory. When memory is short, the laptop screen freezes. This can also occur when a program is run for which the computer lacks the necessary components.

One prime example of programs that are not universally compatible is video games. There are very intense graphic on 3D video games. Many of the current laptops are constructed using rendering programs that are comprised of chipsets. Unlike a graphics card, chipsets will use a tremendous amount of RAM to build images. Some games will not operate when a graphics card is not detected. While most laptops do not contain graphics cards, some do. Thus, some systems will be able to accommodate video games with intense 3D graphics.

When a screen freezes in the middle of a game or program, the only solution is to use the task manager to close it down. In some instances the entire system freezes so people cannot even access the manager to close programs. When this happens, the machine itself needs to be turned off and then restarted to get the system running again.

Do you ever have the problem of laptop screen freezes when adding a printer? If so, then check out a great website that is all about my laptop keeps on freezing.