Exactly Why The Ladies Earn Less On The Job In Comparison With What Males Can?

Although we now witness equality between genders in everything, there is an undeniable truth that this problem still exists today, especially in the workplace. Of course when it comes to equality and the work place, we can find all kinds of studies that show pay rates are not the same and that women earn less. In 2001, the GAO or Government Accountability Office made a report that the total weekly earnings of women were only about 75% of what men were earning. For a few decades, this gap has persisted and until now, women make about 80 cents whenever men are earning a dollar.

So why exactly are women earning less than men? Here now are the reasons why the male gender tend to make a bigger amount of money than what women can.

Hours of work

One that is seen to affect the earnings of both genders is the time which they commit to work. In a whole year, with regard to the genders women are more prone to lesser attendance at work. Likewise, women tend to have greater chances of leaving a job anytime they pleases and also would not see themselves with the company for years as compared to men.

With regards to time, we can also say that women have lesser time commitment to their jobs especially when they have children to take care of at home. With the less time that can be spent at work to attend to other commitments, their wages can be affected. Also, according to statistics married men with kids are actually more motivated to work than those that are single and especially than women whether single or married.

Being in the wrong job

Another factor that affects the wage or earnings of the female gender is the kind of job which they choose. Of course if the job entails more strength or muscle then more priority will be given to the male gender as they are basically more physically fit for the job. In addition, jobs that require muscle may not be the only place where women are paid less than men but also in corporate jobs. Having to work in the office also requires endurance whether mental as well as physical through overtimes, additional projects, rush projects and so on. As a basic fact, men are able to handle more work regardless if it is mental or physical – thus providing them with the opportunity to make more money.

When employers prefer a certain gender for their company

One more culprit as to why women these days earn less income than men is the preference of the employer. As business owners, they have their own right to have gender preferences with regard to hiring their employees or staff. Many employers prefer certain genders probably because that specific gender provides more production or quality in their business.

Provided here are just the most prominent reasons to why women are earning less than men. Equality is indeed practiced today however there will always be certain areas where the female gender are treated at a lower level – one of which areas is the workplace. Nevertheless, this should not discourage any woman to work or think that they will be paid less. What a woman should just bear in mind is that the female gender are more detail-oriented as well as can come up with the best quality or products or work – which becomes an edge to the male gender.

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