Highest paying jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics

The global crisis accelerated by Greece debt problems does not come to an end but this does not affect some of the highest paying jobs in America that rose even more last year. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its regular survey of wages based on 1.2 million of businesses.

Contrary to the common belief financial field or University Professors do not appear on the top of the list. The real reason is because they may be underrepresented in the sample.

Medical field is totally dominating the top ten list led by anesthesiologists who made on average 113 dollars per hour. This totals to a yearly salary of 230,000 dollars per year a big chunk of which will be paid as medical malpractice premium to insatiable lawyers.

This is 14 times more than the minimum wage but one should not forget that anesthesiologists often borrow in excess of a million dollars to pay for the medical school. They start making some money when complete intership and residency requirements.

American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) argues that high pay reflects the responsibility and risk involved in the job. At the same time deaths attributed to anesthesia have reduced considerably over the last 50 years.

Critics of the US high cost medical sphere suggest to hire anesthetists that do not require such an intensive training. Empirical research shows the probability of death is independent of whether anesthesiologists or anesthetists performed anesthesia.

Anesthesiologists are closely followed by general surgeons who made on average 111 dollars per hour in 2011. General surgeon is another best career making on average 6 thousand more last year.

The other three positions in the top five list are Obstetricians and Gynecologists (218 thousand), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (217 thousand) and Orthodontists (with as little as 204,670 dollars).

Surprisingly enough, chief executives are not even close to top three with the average earnings equal to 177 thousand. Of course, this mean wage is not even close to Ralph Lauren who brought home 67 million in salary and benefits.

Great news for top professionals does not end here. The real wage gap between online stock broker and a Burger King employee is actually higher by one third if one considers fringe benefits such as insurance that is not typically offered in small establishments.

Health insurance was initially introduced back in the 1940s additional incentive for high productive workers. When other incentives were limited health insurance was meant to offer a fringe benefit that would keep the best workers.

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