History And Developments In Camera Lenses

While a large group of people may appreciate the lenses from the past, there are also many that appreciate the many advancements of the future. There is certainly the distinct aspect of sharpness that has improved over time. Creating exceptional images is especially easy with the development of specialized camera lenses for different purposes.

The initial development was actually established in eighteen hundred four by William Wollaston. While it was initially used for the purposes of glasses to correct vision, it began to be used for photography later in eighteen twelve. Many focus-free box cameras that we know from the past have this type of lens and some of the current ones are actually similar.

The first so-called modern version was named Protar and it had the ability to be adjusted for a wide angle. Paul Rudolph was responsible for the invention of this in eighteen ninety. This same procedure is still used in the manufacture of most telephotos that are manufactured today. Somewhat later in eighteen ninety-three, the Cooke Triplet was known as the economy version which was placed in the Argus C3 and became known as one of the most popular cameras ever.

Because he was not happy with the complete performance associated with the Protar, Paul Rudolph later developed the Tessar. It was quite similar to the Cooke Triplet in operation and was later perfected in operation around nineteen thirty. This type can be found in a variety of popular models of that time period.

Capturing photographs with only available light became the next important factor after all initial bugs were worked out. Inventors began to tackle this particular problem in nineteen twenty-three and Ernemann Ernostar developed a version of a Cooke Triplet known as the Ernostar that could work with low-light problems. He had found the first lens that would actually work with only available light and this changed everything. Sonnar is the name that we are most familiar with in which these changes and advancements were made.

The first fish-eye lens was invented with the name Beck Hill Sky in nineteen twenty-three. While the name is strange the reason behind it is clear because it is meant to give the view of a fish peering out of water and looking up toward the heavens. The image is to be a three hundred and sixty degree barrel that would allow for studies to be done on the clouds.

Many people have at least heard the term macro photography and it can be an image ranging from life-size to approximately twenty times that size. Some interesting photos that we have seen published have been because of this type of photography. The Makro-Kilar was invented by Heinz Kilfitt and it is a Tessar mount which was developed during nineteen fifty-five. The macro zoom did not actually begin being used until much later during the nineteen seventies.

The zoom is certainly one of the most popular types available however; the early version did not produce images of high quality. Finally in nineteen seventy-four, Ponder and Best Vivitar made available for the public a macro zoom of professional quality that could provide quality images. After this time the zoom continued to inspire the development of others to improve regular lenses in the future. One major development of the future would have to be when we received the auto-focus camera lenses.

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