How To Make Money In Nerium

Nerium AD distributors: Are you devoted to developing a large business? If so, read this entire article right now.

If you wish to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

The single most important skill you could ever learn is marketing.

Read the rest of this article to learn several strategies top 2% earners are using to build large and lucrative businesses:

– Promote Your Business On Facebook Properly

Facebook is an absolute giant when it comes to exposure. Nearly a billion people, or twenty percent of people on planet Earth over the age of 15, has a Facebook account!

A lot of Facebook users are adults. Nearly 50% of Facebook users are over 30. Here’s how to promote Nerium AD on Facebook:

– Publish a fan page for your business. A business fan page gives you more options than a regular personal account page. – Publish instructional content on your fan page that teaches networkers how to build their businesses.

– Generate leads for your Nerium AD opportunity on your fan page. Capture the contact info of visitors by offering a free video training series in exchange for their contact information.

– Use a blog and Facebook together. Make sure to add a lot of high quality content to your blog. Underneath each blog post, put a box where people can comment about the post on Facebook. When people comment on your blog posts, their comments will show up in the news feed of their Facebook accounts. This viral marketing will attract their friends to your blog. This is a powerful way to create more traffic for your blog- free!

– Publish Facebook pay-per-click ads. Facebook advertising can be extremely effective. Network marketers advertising on Facebook can attract twenty to sixty leads per day.

The biggest mistake network marketers make on Facebook is spam. NEVER post a promotion for your Nerium AD business on someone’s Facebook wall. Contacting total strangers on Facebook with promotions about your Nerium AD is a bad idea.

– Make Money Promoting Affiliate Products

Affiliate products are training products and online marketing systems that pay a commission on each sale. Sell affiliate products, such as ebooks, instructional courses and membership sites that teach network marketers business skills. You’ll gain several key benefits when you market affiliate products in addition to Nerium AD.

The prospects that buy affiliate products based on your recommendation are more likely to want to look at your Nerium AD business opportunity. These prospects have signaled a willingness to pull out a credit card and buy, not just browse.

If they don’t join your Nerium AD business, it’s no big deal. You make money by selling affiliate products to the vast majority of your Nerium AD prospects who don’t join your business. This is an easy way to make more money.

Certain affiliate tools are recurring membership web sites, which usually creates an extra regular monthly commission for you. Recurring residual income from affiliate sales can be a bedrock of reliable income while you build your downline. Promoting affiliate products is a good way to differentiate yourself from other marketers. You won’t get lumped in with all the other network marketers who just lead by promoting their business opportunity. You’ll seem like an authority and valuable guide, not just a promoter. By leading with the promotion of affiliate products, you will sponsor a lot of people into Nerium AD.

– Make Use Of Social Media

Websites that are social are those that allow users to comment or otherwise reply about content they consume. More than 1.2 billion people use Youtube and Facebook alone. This creates a big opportunity to generate leads on social media sites.

The extreme majority of users on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are over 25. You must have a social media strategy for your Nerium AD business. If you don’t you will get left behind.

Generally distributors in companies such as Nerium AD use social media in ways that are bad for business. Over-eager distributors throw content onto the social media sites that’s far too promotional and hype-focused. Below are tactics to use social media websites to grow your Nerium AD venture:

– Think of social media sites like a cocktail party. When you meet someone at a party, do you immediately start talking about your Nerium AD opportunity? No. You shouldn’t do that on social media sites. NEVER lead with your opportunity on social media.

– Your first priority on social media sites is to connect with people. Build a relationship.

– Make every piece of content you put on a social media site valuable, instructional and enlightening in some way.

– Never post on someone’s Facebook wall about your business. Your Youtube videos should focus on teaching, not on promoting some opportunity.

– Your strategy on social media should be to lead with value. Training that educates network marketers how to grow their income. Instructional videos that teach.

– If you’re consistent, some of your followers will contact YOU about your business.

Ricardo Interpemian has taught thousands of people how to grow businesses like Nerium.