How WordPress Can Help You Build A Winning Website

There are many reasons why WordPress makes the ideal CMS (content management system) to help you build a potentially successful site. I’ll run through just a few of them here. For starters, WordPress is “open source” software, which means you can use it for free. Geeks (and others) will know that it’s constructed utilizing PHP – which is a computer language – and MySQL, a database management system. But don’t panic, unless you choose to get your fingers dirty in coding, you don’t need to know hope it all functions.

The stats are always changing, but it has been estimated that WordPress powers coming up to 20% of the websites in the world. That is a huge amount of websites. The WordPress download button has been accessed something like 30 million times. This means that if something should break down on your site (which it probably won’t), there are a lot of people out there who can help you fix it. You can reach some of them via numerous forums and user groups that exist for WordPress.

WordPress is a very complex piece of kit, but it’s so simple it works just as well for both beginners and experts. The basic version installs with just one click, but if you are keen to get stuck in with some complicated CSS or web coding, you are able to. Another fantastic thing about WordPress is that it’s very hard to screw up provided you keep away from the files with the code in. FYI, they can be accessed via the control panel in a file called Editor.

The chief function of WordPress is as a blog web-log, and that’s how Matt Mullenweg designed it. It has now become a catch-all CMS that lets you make a website look just about any way you want it to. This is made possible by the thousands and thousands of themes that have been built for it. Themes let users change the functionality and look of a WordPress website or installation without changing the informational content. Themes can be added via the website’s dashboard, or by uploading the theme’s elements via an FTP app. Lots are available for free, others cost between $10 and $200. Premium themes I personally rate very highly include Socrates, Zina, Sozan and Jenzoo. 

Search engines adore WordPress websites and simply by using WordPress seems to give you a head start to getting better rankings in Google and Bing. The way WordPress is constructed lets you optimize your website easily by using in-built components such as categories and ‘tagging’ to your posts. Heading tags such as h1, h2, h3, etc, are used throughout and pinging – sending notifications automatically to various bookmarking and search engine sites – is automatic. Each of these operations are already built into the infrastructure of WordPress.

On top of that there are WordPress Plug-ins that enable you to extend its capabilities almost infinitely. There are over seventeen thousand plugins capable of making light work of jobs such as adding Facebook “likes”, displaying a contact form, preventing spam comments, building search engine sitemaps, adding widgets and putting up Youtube videos. There’s not much it seems a plug-in cannot do.

Are you missing out on the important things? promote your website can make a huge difference.