Lean Six Sigma Requirements For Every Belt Level

Quality is a very important word in the world of work. These days the value of a thing or even a person can be measure by the quality of service rendered. Since competition among companies is at its peak, most employers are looking for future team players that are motivated and functions well. To be above the cut, you have to prove your quality.

Lean Six Sigma is a managerial concept that is of utmost importance in quality production. It combines two well known strategies which are the lean production and six sigma strategies. Employees have to undergo through a series of training. When they pass, they get belts corresponding to different expertise levels, just like in karate. There are white, yellow, green, black, and master black lean six sigma Houston belts that every personnel aim for.

Lean marketing is derived from the fabrication process utilized by a know company that manufactures cars. It is a well developed way of thinking that is totally focused on the reduction of waste processes to give quality products. This brand of marketing tactics eliminates the methods that do not add value to the desired output but instead eats up valuable time, effort and resources.

Six Sigma is an operational process of another car company. If the former focuses on waste reduction, this industrial method aims to speed up the production with less defects. This is achieved by a precisely uniform series of steps in the manufacture of the product.

As mentioned earlier, there are different belts that correspond to a level of knowledge about the methods of this strategy. The lowest is a white belt. This color refers to those still starting to learn about the entire strategy. To have this you will have to attend workshops to widen your understanding of the concept.

The yellow belt is the succeeding level from the lowest. Employees on this level has basic knowledge of the process as is a core member of a project. You must present evidences of project participation and successfully pass the LSSSA YB exam to achieve this level.

After the yellow group, your next goal will be the green belt. Though employees in this bracket do not lead projects, they are very closely involved in every single one. You will have to pass the LSSSA GB test to belong in the green echelon.

Leading the yellow and green belt employees are people from the black echelon. They have lead many projects and have come up with case studies along with an entire team. One completed, the case study has to be defended. Successful studies receive a certification after you have successfully passed a LSSSA BB examination.

After this level, employees can still pursue two higher belts. These are the master black belts and the champion position. A master black belt employee has at least three years of black level experience and has passed the LSSSA MBB exam. These employees are the key players in top of the ladder. If you want to amp up your work quality, you should aim for belts like these. There are certification bodies in Houston TX and other cities that will help you achieve the belt you are currently aiming for.

Read more about Lean Six Sigma Requirements For Every Belt Level.