Flavor Ideas for an E Cig

One of the main reasons people love the e cig is because it comes in diverse flavors. I have a good friend who smokes an e cig per day and his favorite flavors include chocolate, kiwi, banana and strawberry. The e cig is versatile in flavors and since there are so many brands of the e cig on the market, you’re bound to find delicious flavors. I’m going to pretend that I’m a e cig fan who wants to suggest new flavors to an up-and-coming e cig company.

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Buy an Electric Cigarette

Electric cigarettes are a safe alternative to tobacco cigarettes and they’re fun to smoke because of the many flavors that these cigarettes offer. When you buy an electric cigarette you’re reducing lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses, and you reduce the chances of air pollution in your community. There are various ways you can buy an electric cigarette at discount prices.

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