Options Of Artificial Carpeting

Nylon fibers were initially launched by the DuPont Chemical Company shortly before the start of the 1940s. After several iterations of refinement, it saw use as the first synthetic fiber to be incorporated into the carpet industry.

The first few incarnations of the material were prone to a number of problems, including becoming easily stained. The later versions of the material were coated with a substance that mostly offset this weakness. This coating boosted the material’s ability to deter liquids and dirt, and as a result, this became a popular feature that greatly increased the popularity of nylon carpets.

The next iteration of the material was designed to be resistant to staining from acid dyes, provided they were treated within a reasonable time. The coating would stop the dyes’ acid from reaching into the fiber and staining it.

A quick tip, to test a nylon carpet for stain-resisting chemicals, you can snip a few pieces of carpet and drip a mixture of oil and water onto the surface. The liquid beading indicates that there are indeed hydrophobic elements in the coating.

To see if there are acid dye blockers, you can take a few fibers and dunk them in something known to stain, such as a brightly-colored drink mix. Submerge the fibers in the substance for around five minutes, and then wash them with a mild detergent. There should be no visible stains remaining if there are acid dye-blocking agents in the fibers.

The 1950s saw the rise of polyester fibers in the garment industry, and before the start of the 70s, it was being used as a material carpets. The texture and style of the material is very close to nylon, but is more prone to wear and tear.

To offset the disadvantages, the material is very durable against water-based liquids, such as a variety of sugary drinks, and even pee (but still not quite able to resist oils), and it has the distinct advantages of being allergen free and mold and mildew resistant.

Acrylic Carpets – Introduced to the carpeting industry near the end of the 40s, this type of material seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth by the time the 80s rolled around, being overshadowed by the more popular types of fibers. However, it made a comeback around the start of the 90s, where it was marketed for its wool-like look and feel, and its resistance to damage and stains. It’s also very easy to clean when compared to other fibers.

Olefin Carpets – The most recent addition to the ranks of synthetic carpet materials, Olefin fibers have a wide variety of uses as both the main carpet material or as the backing underneath.

Carpets can present a lot of maintenance challenges. To find the best deals on carpet repair and installation in Denver CO, Nip & Tuck Flooring is at your service.