Protecting Trees In Winter, and Why You Need To Buy Mulch Now!

Damage to trees can occur in the winter courtesy of a number of cold-weather related issues. The tree damage doesn’t occur thanks to the cold itself, but more so from the major temperature drops and when the cold weather arrives in the trees ‘ dormant or growing periods. Other tree damages include the following: frost check, sunscaid, chemical injury from deicing salt, late spring freezes, and frozen roots. Fortunately, there are several methods to make a response to these winter tree dilemmas.

Frost injury happens when the sapling is continuing to grow when the cold weather arrives early in the fall or stays late in the spring. The frost can kill the tree tissue and possibly confine tree maturation for good. Be certain to cover trees if frost is expected, avoid frost-prone areas when planting trees, and forbear from using nitrogen fertilizer as it might make ground frost damages worse. Sunscaid can also occur in an early autumn or late spring. Sunscaid, or “winter burn” is when the conifer trees ‘ needles burn on the sun-facing side of the tree. The needles dry out attributable to the sun’s high temperature taking the trees ‘ condensation when the frozen ground is proscribing plant water. Buy mulch, wrap your conifers, and avoid scattering seeds of trees in areas with rapid temperature change because these tactics can be handy. You may look for frost hardy trees that need less care in the winter.

The deicing salts used to keep our roads safe can fundamentally harm our trees and shrubs due to the chemicals in the salts. Salt desecration symptoms occur only in the spring; if your evergreen trees start to go brown and the branches die back, then salt could have been the cause. Well-drained soils can handle the salt consumption, but poorly drained soils will collect the salt over a period and cause significant problems.

Late spring freezes set a problem for trees and relates back to frost injury. A late spring freeze will also kill the new tree tissues when the trees have just recently been water-soaked from the freeze for a long period of time. Freeze injury will appear right after the hard frost ends, but many sicknesses can develop over the rest of the year in the tree because of the frost. Frozen roots are usually connected with container-grown conifers and just planted seeds for plants that have been ice covered for a long time. Shallow roots are most exposed, but can be protected with mulch, leaf litter, or snow drifts for insulation. If frozen for too much time, the plants and trees may shrivel and stop maturing in the spring.

Be certain to decrease tree vitiation in winter by choosing hardy tree species that will withstand chilly temperatures, avoiding late season fertilization, keeping trees and shrubs watered during dry spells, and using mulch to keep moisture and insulate roots. Keep your trees toasty and healthy so you can experience your own winter tree wonderland in the frigid temperatures!

Southeast Texas Trees (LLC) provides distinct arbor care. The pros provide key info that makes reference to winter damage to trees, and includes when to buy mulch to protect the trees.