Recipe For Cupcakes For Your Foofa Yo Gabba Party

If you find yourself planning a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday party with a Foofa theme, you are going to need a birthday dessert that matches your theme. You are in luck because in this article you will learn everything you need to know about creating fun and unique Foofa flower cupcakes that your birthday girl is going to love!

Gather together:

* 12 Cupcakes (any flavor) * White Frosting * Green Food Coloring * 20 Large Marshmallows * Cutting Board * Sharp Knife * 12 Nilla Wafer Cookies

Make your own cupcakes or buy them from the store – it doesn’t matter. Just make sure they are in white cupcake liners so that your flowers stand out.

To make your Foofa’s flowers, the first thing you will need to do is to make green frosting. Begin by putting 4-5 drops of food coloring into your white frosting and mix well. The color of the frosting should be a light green mint color. If it’s not, continue adding food coloring until you get the color you want. If you make the mistake of going too dark, simply add more white frosting and mix well. This will lighten up the color.

Take all twelve of your cupcakes and frost them with a good thick layer. Spreading this too thin won’t let you create the flower on your cupcake so make sure you pile it on. Try to stay away from frosting the edges of your cupcake so that it doesn’t make a mess when your guests grab them.

Ready to create the petals? Get a marshmallow and lie it on it’s side on the cutting board. Each marshmallow will yield 3 flower petals. We aren’t slicing the marshmallows, we are just using our own weight to put pressure straight down on the blade to smash a cut through. Press down until the blade goes through it. Repeat this until you have 60 petals cut out.

Let’s assemble our flower! Each cupcake will have 5 petals. Place each petal on your cupcake leaving a to inch diameter opening in the center. Grab a Nilla Wafer and put a bit of your green frosting on the back of it. Then, simply place your cookie in the center of the cupcake so that it overlaps the petals. There you have it! Simply Foofa flower cupcakes that anyone can do!

Don’t forget to decorate your party space with these great Yo Gabba Gabba Party Supplies.. This article, Recipe For Cupcakes For Your Foofa Yo Gabba Party has free reprint rights.