Recycling for a greener office

A good first step towards a greener workplace is to review your recycling habits. This is the area in which you can make an immediate and important environmental impact, without a huge increase in costs. It can also lead to a positive response in your workforce and customers.

A principal argument in favour of recycling is that it reduces the need for landfill sites. Dumping rubbish in the ground takes up space which could otherwise be better used for agriculture or building, and it can cause pollution to the air and also to rivers and streams.

A second benefit of recycling is that industrial manufacture using recycled waste requires fewer raw materials. Consequently there is a saving of non-renewable resources such as minerals, as well as agriculture products and trees. A reduced need for energy also saves fuel and limits the production of greenhouse gases.

Although paper is likely to be the major component of your office waste, there will be many other materials for which provision needs to be made, such as printer renewables, plastic cups and bottles, aluminium cans, cardboard boxes, and so on. Your recycling plan should include as many of these categories as possible.

If you have to engage a local recycling contractor, make sure the firm can deal with the whole range of waste your office produces. Different types of paper will need to be handled separately, and you will need to check how many other materials can be accepted.

You may need to choose between delivering your recycling containers to the contractor and having them collected, in which case you must find room for them on your premises whilst awaiting collection. This can be a problem as waste is often bulky.

It is entirely possible to incorporate confidential waste disposal into your recycling policy. Instead of using an office shredder, confidential documents can be sent to a specialist firm who will shred them off-site and also recycle the shreds; this is preferable in security terms as well as ecologically sound.

The co-operation of your staff is vital to the success of your recycling strategy. They should be involved in discussing the changes that will need to be made. Information and training will help to spread the message and ensure that everybody adopts good recycling habits.

Bear in mind that going green is likely to benefit your business as well as the environment; many leading companies have acknowledged the advantages of adopting green policies. Being seen to act with corporate responsibility will improve your brand image and can also attract ecologically-minded customers.

All it takes to begin going green is a new approach to recycling office waste. Your improved recycling policy will be appreciated by your staff and customers so can benefit your business as well as the planet. These are not difficult steps to take, and you should think about making a start.

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