Retargeter Triggit Is Moving Beyond Facebook

While other companies struggle to deliver relevant ads, Facebook does it with ease. This is thanks to the tireless work of their retargeting provider, Triggit. But now, Facebook won’t be the only company to benefit from Triggit’s expertise. The company will be opening up their dynamic native retargeting service to other sites.

While Triggit hasn’t named any of the new clients they’ll be working with, the information they’ve revealed is quite intriguing. Their new services are currently in beta testing, and apparently, several of their testers are Fortune 500 retailers. Imagine what Triggit could do for a company like Verizon, or Cosco. The potential is limitless.

Many people aren’t happy with the lack of open mobile inventory on the Facebook exchange. However, now that Triggit will be working with other publishers, they’ll be able to provide mobile inventory access through them. Those who were clamoring for mobile inventory access should be pleased by this news.

With that said, it’s hard to tell whether the Triggit formula will work when it doesn’t have Facebook behind it. While the Triggit team is certainly knowledgeable, part of their success is due to the fact that people are very engaged with the Facebook site. Will their strategies work on sites that aren’t as engaging? Or will their big gamble fail to pay off?

It’ll be interesting to see how Triggit’s gamble will play out. If this succeeds, it’s likely to change the way every company handles their ads. However, if it fails, every company will be less likely to take risks. It’s a big move, and it’s certain to have big results wither way.

In the past, many people have complained that mobile inventory isn’t currently open on Facebook’s exchange. While that won’t be changing, Triggit will be offering mobile inventory access through the other publishers they’ll be working with. That bit of news should make a lot of people happy. Ads that were once effective are now ignored. However, Triggit knows how to make ads that get attention. It’s clear that all kinds of companies will be chomping at the bit to work with Triggit.

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