Social Media Strategy: Beyond Facebook Marketing

The question on your company’s mind: Why social media? Social Media strategy has become the hot topic of the day. However, it’s more than just that. It’s also a valid method to make more money for your business. Newcomers often think of social media advertising as little more than Facebook marketing, but the truth is that a good social media strategy should consist of many other varied components.

First off, I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t spend money on Facebook ads. This is a great way to reach a great number of customers very quickly. What I am saying, however, is that you should not rely on Facebook advertising to get your word out.

You can also use social media to improve your business in a wide range of different ways. You can use social media to talk with your customers directly, which is great. Also, unlike other forms of media, like print, you can be sure that the people you’re talking to are interested in what you are saying; they chose to follow or fan you, so they’re great prospects.

Customer service is, as always, key of any business, and social media is wonderful for it. Imagine this situation: somebody has a question about your product. In the past, they would call up a customer service line, wait on hold, and eventually get what they needed. Nowadays, a person could post their question to your Twitter PR page and other customers will be able to see the answer, showing how seriously you take customer service.

And, in conclusion, social media is incredibly valuable for direct communications. This is probably what you were thinking of when you heard the phrase “social media strategy” to begin with. However, you shouldn’t just make it about your products or services. The average person is bombarded with marketing pitches constantly. You should ask them questions, start conversations, steer the conversation toward the user. This way you’ll become a real social media expert.

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