Some Of The Arguments Against Evolution

There have been many theories for and against evolution. Basically, most of the theories for evolution contradict the story of creation in the bible. Scientists have therefore been working day and night while trying to determine which argument is true and which one is wrong. Most of these theories state that the earth is as a result of evolutionary processes. On the other hand, those who go for the creation story believe that God created the universe and everything in it. There are various arguments against evolution that have since come up because of this.

Among the arguments against the theories of evolution is that of lack of people who saw it happening. Those supporting this statement say that if it were something real, then the process would still be happening even at the present moment. Therefore, there should be a number of transitional forms which can be observed. However, what is seen is a group of differentiated animals and plants.

Research has been carried out for a long time with experiments being done with the aim of creating new species using the evolutionary methods. For example, the fruit fly has mainly been used in these experiments since it is characterized by a high reproduction rate. However, these tests have been futile because the mutation did not take place as it is expected according to the theories by evolutionists.

There have been arguments against the possibility of meteoritic dust settling on the moon. The dust is known to settle on the earth and moon continuously and would have therefore piled up many feet in the millions of years that are said to have passed. This had even caused a worry during the launch of the first lunar ship to the moon as the astronauts thought it would have sunk many feet into the dust. However, when the sheep landed not more than an inch of the dust is what was found. This therefore resulted to the belief of a young moon and earth.

The magnetic field of the earth keeps on reducing at a rapid rate. If this is the case, then eight thousand years ago its magnetism would have been the same with that of a magnetic star. The possibility of this occurrence is highly unlikely.

Some arguments also look at the fact that if the magnetism of the earth is due to electric currents in it then it would not be in place today. This is because the heat that would have been generated by the currents some twenty thousand years ago would have easily dissolved the earth. This is therefore against the theories of the evolutionists.

There is the theory of punctuated equilibria which top evolutionists have disagreed with to a large extent. According to the theory, one species could give rise to another one. For example, birds giving birth to mammals. This theory was meant to solve the issue of there being no transitional fossils for geological records.

The circumstances under which the theory of punctuated equilibria would have occurred are just too minimal and the probability is even low. This and other evidences make up the arguments against evolution. Most of those arguing against the theories believe in the possibility of creation taking place.

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