The Martial Art That Is The Brazilian JiuJitsu

In 1990, Brazilian jiujitsu expert Royce Gracie won the first, second, and fourth Ultimate Fighting Championships, drawing the world’s attention to his martial art of choice – a combination of Japanese martial arts and Kodokan judo. Soon enough, this success by Royce Gracie led more and more MMA fighters to start learning the martial art and make use of it in their own fights and matches.

The art of this kind of jiujitsu encompasses a lot of ground fighting techniques as well as submission holds, such as joint-locks and chokeholds. Even a fighter who is weaker, in the physical sense, has a shot to make use of leverage to defend and attack his opponent, ultimately defeating him in the process. When it comes to self-defense techniques in martial arts, Brazilian jiujitsu comes highly recommended.

The two main sets of training for Brazilian jiujitsu includes sparring or rolling, where there are certain rules to be followed, thereby preventing the possibility of injuries occurring, and alive drilling play, which is pretty much spontaneous and unbound by rules.

Brazilian jiujitsu tends to have the fighters bringing each other down to the ground. The best possible maneuver to do this and defeat the opponent is the guard position, which includes wrapping one-s legs around the opponent, thereby inhibiting his movements and foiling any retaliation or counter attacks. Brazilian jiujitsu is mostly a ground fighting form of martial art and involves a lot of grappling, giving weaker fighters a bigger chance to defeat their stronger opponents.

Fighters are ranked in Brazilian jiujitsu with the use of belts – quite similar to judo, really – with white as the lowest rank and red as the highest. In between, there-s the blue, purple, brown, black, and black-and-red belts. In order to achieve the red belt, it takes a lot of years, discipline and practice. A nineteen-year-old who starts training in Brazilian jiujitsu can expect to achieve the red belt by the time they reach the age of 67. Constant training in the martial art is expected in those intervening years leading up to it. Kids- ranking are slightly different, though, because they start with white, then grey, yellow, orange, and green, the highest ranking.

For those who do not know it, Brazilian jiujitsu is both a sport and a martial art. It is contributory to character growth and development as well as health and physical fitness. You can rank Brazilian jiujitsu with other martial arts disciplines such as aikido, judo, kendo, and karate because it has now become a way of life or, as they call it, a Do.

This martial art, like any other, requires the use of a uniform and it is called Gi. Judo’s judogi is more fabric-generous than the Gi, however. It becomes tighter at the ends of the trousers and the jackets so the economy of fabric translates to economy of movement. In Brazil, the uniform is also called kimono.

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