Using Memory Techniques To Help In School

Many times we look at people with photographic memories and say to ourselves “I could never do that”. The truth is that there are techniques out there that can be applied by normal people and help them do just as amazing mnemonic feats.

There are a few things you’ll want to remember: getting enough sleep and keeping a proper diet will be two of the best things you can do for yourself. As a student, these things might not always be a possibility, but try-it probably won’t be as hard as you think.

Information obtained by our brain is stored in various places, depending on the nature of that information. The brain then creates neural pathways or individual pieces of road by which the information is accessed. Each piece of road leads to only one bit of information, however many pieces of road may be attached to a single bit of information.

Then there’s the issue of diet. The average student usually eats whatever is available in whatever quantities available, but you should keep an eye on a couple of things if you’re looking to enhance your memory. Beans, seeds and nuts are good things, since they are high in magnesium. This helps your brain record and remember things that you learn. Sometimes, a proper diet can be had from on-campus dining, but that usually isn’t enough by itself.

Certain foods and activities can help boost your ability to think and remember while others will most certainly detract from that ability. With food and drink, the key is moderation, specifically when it comes to alcohol. Students are notorious for partying and, while fun, alcohol (and drugs) can seriously inhibit your brain and can even destroy neural pathways you have already created.

If you can connect information back to things that you already know and relate to then you will be able to pull it back out of your memory box. This can be tough if you don’t practice using your imagination. This is really where all of your creativity can be a huge asset. Memorizing takes creative ways at memorizing information and spitting it back out when you need to.

Both of these techniques will help you take the knowledge you have in your short-term memory and help it move to long-term memory.

All of those corners and crevices that have started getting cobwebs over time need to be cleared out and you need to start working with all parts of your brain when you start talking about memorization techniques.

Whether you are a student pursuing a business degree, a retired professional, or somewhere in between, these practices will help you build your brain power and increase your ability to memorize and recall the information you need.

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