3D Integration In Advertising & Truck Wraps

If companies desire to bring their message to the masses, the importance of out-of-home marketing should be noted. Goods and services alike have been able to benefit from this in the past, so it’s not hard to see why it’s still commonplace. Many platforms have been utilized to make outdoor advertising a reality, whether you are talking about billboards, truck wraps, or what have you. As crucial as items like these might be, it’s the idea of 3D implementation that should not be overlooked.

According to AdWeek, 3D installation was put into place for an event called Malmo Festival. For those who don’t know, the Malmo Festival is an annual celebration that usually takes place in late August. While the event itself is undeniably popular, it’s the idea of 3D integration that has the potential to attract the attention of various companies, JMR Graphics included. In fact, it probably wouldn’t be out of the question to see this implemented into truck wraps and the like.

It goes without saying that there is effort to be seen in this marketing endeavor. If you are curious as to what exactly this entails, the article went into detail about how it took 900 hours, and even more, to be completed. The article in question also mentioned the fact that 14 individuals were responsible for it. Seeing as how 3D advertising isn’t very commonplace, this amount of labor should probably go without saying. After all, shouldn’t something like this prove to be memorable?

Another reason why this endeavor deserves to be focused on is because of how it can only be truly visible if an individual is 100 feet or so in the air. This alone details just how inventive this particular method is and the amount of work that has been brought into it. Keep in mind that this campaign will have a tremendous amount of attention, given the fact that it will be treated as something of a centerpiece. Will its potential be realized, though?

One must ask the question: will the hype in question be realized? It’s hard to say, since this method has been put into place for advertising purposes before anything else. It’s meant to showcase a service but it’s the creativity put into place that will, ultimately, dictate just how effective it is. Given all of the details, I have to believe that it will reach the attention of those will take part in Malmo Festival this year, regardless of the roles that they have.

If you’d like further information about high-quality truck wraps, take a second to visit JMR Graphics.. Free reprint available from: 3D Integration In Advertising & Truck Wraps.