Accredited Nursing Schools In Texas:Medical School Programs

Accreditation is important when it comes to choosing the right college, whether it is an online college or a traditional “brick & mortar” college. Accredited colleges have endured rigorous standards and met very high expectations in a variety of aspects, not just based on the school’s popularity. They evaluate the degrees offered, the coursework and topics involved, the quality of the schools facilities, a successful mission statement, the ability to grow and achieve that mission statement, and the school’s resources and staff. Enrolling in regionally accredited colleges can ensure that students receive the best education possible for their particular area of study.

One of the best accredited nursing schools in texas for nursing students is the NSNA (National Student Nurses Association), with a membership of 50,000. Its mandate is to be actively involved in fostering mentoring for nursing school students, offer educational resources and information, provide career counseling, and make available leadership opportunities to its members. In conjunction with the NSNA, the FNSNA (Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association) serves as its charitable arm, offering scholarships to qualified and needy nursing students.

Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (for primary and secondary schools and Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities for institutions in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington)
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (covering schools in California, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Marianas Islands)
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (covering schools in Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas)

Regionally accredited online colleges are mostly non-profit institutions, academically oriented, and have policies about receiving credits from nationally accredited (for-profit, career-oriented) schools. If a student is looking to transfer from a nationally accredited school to one of the regionally accredited online colleges, it is important to check with the admissions office on credit transfer policies.

When a student completes their enrollment in regionally accredited online colleges, they should rest assured that their education will be thorough, their syllabus will meet the requirements of the major and the career field of choice, and the faculty has met the required degree levels and are knowledgeable of the topics of study.

Learn more about accredited nursing schools in texas.