How To Profit With Myherbalife

MyHerbalife distributors: Are you committed to building a huge business? If that’s the case, dig into this article now. If you wish to become a top earner, you need a way to promote to thousands of people- not just to the small number of friends and family network marketers are taught to approach. You MUST learn to market! Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

– Define Your Target Market

Clarifying the target audience for your MyHerbalife opportunity makes it MUCH easier to market. Clarify:

– What type of person is the best fit for your MyHerbalife opportunity?

– What major problems do they have?

– What can you provide that solves those needs?

– On which websites does your audience spend the most amount of time?

Once you’ve clarified these things, everything you do in your marketing will be more effective. Defining your target market and its needs allows you to define your marketing pieces. Deciding what to blog, create videos, or write emails about becomes very easy.

Network marketers in companies such as MyHerbalife usually target the wrong people. They usually focus on people who need money and are a little desperate. You don’t want the headache of having to lead a bunch of broke people.

The best target market for most people in businesses like MyHerbalife are network marketers in other companies that have not yet made it big. Network marketers understand the business model and have demonstrated a willingness to spend money on a business venture.

Create educational marketing pieces that solves network marketers’ problems, such as not making enough money, or facing high attrition. Create marketing that positions you as a leader. A subset of your followers will approach you to become a MyHerbalife rep.

– Lead Others

To build a successful MyHerbalife business, you must be a leader. Leadership is something you learn in two ways:

– Model other leaders. Attend live events and get to know top producers. Get out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to the people you want to model.

– Practice leadership. Being a leader is something you learn through doing. Books and webinars are nice, but nothing replaces raw experience.

Strengthen your mindset Your internal beliefs have a huge bearing on your leadership ability. Develop the inner strength of mind to overcome all challenges and obstacles to achieve your goals.

Some of the people your sponsor will just quit. Maintain a positive attitude despite the quitters. Lead by example

People are going to look at your actions and results, not just listen to your words. Execute each day on the tasks required to succeed. Words are easy. Do the things you must do. Teach people what to do. Don’t make the mistake of building the business for somebody else.

Show your MyHerbalife downline what you do to create results. Do conference calls. Assist the people in your MyHerbalife team who are getting results.

– Increase Your Value

Most new MyHerbalife marketers focus too heavily on MyHerbalife, its comp plan, products, the management team, etc. Then they go out and try to tell people about their MyHerbalife business opportunity or the MyHerbalife product line.

This is NOT the way 7-figure earners build their businesses in companies such as MyHerbalife. No one on the Internet cares about your network marketing company, whether it’s MyHerbalife or another company. These frustrated networkers ARE NOT seeking a new opportunity. Even one you stand behind such as MyHerbalife!

Online, your target market is frustrated network marketers seeking one thing: Someone to show them the way. Your prospects are looking to find a coach/trusted mentor who can show them the way. The network marketing company this leader promotes is secondary.

You absolutely must position yourself as a coach/trusted advisor who can help your prospects succeed in their home based business. To position yourself in the marketplace as a trusted guide, teach your prospects tips and tactics vital to their business success.

If you’re thinking, But I don’t have anything to teach, then you must learn new strategies and tactics. Buy training courses, subscribe to membership websites, and attend live events so you are learning new skills regularly. Don’t think you must become proficient at EVERY skill.

Choose ONE strategy, such as how to generate leads on Facebook, or how to prospect people into your MyHerbalife business over the phone, or another useful business skill and you can differentiate as someone highly skilled at this ONE thing. When you start teaching, your prospects will see you as the leader they want to follow. On the front end of your business, don’t pitch your MyHerbalife opportunity, instead teach the skill you’ve been mastering.

Ricardo Interpemian has educated thousands of business owners how to grow businesses like MyHerbalife.